Packaging behavior in a cooling tower module for a cooling system
Cooling towers, Cooling systems, Models, Heat transfer, Temperature, SensorsAbstract
In the present study, the heat transfer rate of a modification tower prototype was determined using two different packaging configurations: the first one using an ordered plate configuration and the second one with a messy plate distribution. The efficiency analysis of both configurations was carried out by means of an experimental theoretical study. For this, a small- scale cooling tower prototype was built seeking to replicate, as far as possible, the distribution of the components of one of the RP-10 reactor's cooling towers. Using a flowmeter, a network of temperature sensors distributed throughout the water circuit, and a temperature controlled heat source to raise the water temperature, an orderly packaging is experimentally determined to improve the transfer of system heat by 10.62 % over a messy package. The results obtained, by extension, show the convenience of using packing ion in the RP- 10 reactor friction towers, improving their efficiency.
Copyright (c) 2021 Javier Gago, Jamir Herrera, Raúl Palomino, Nicolás Boujeat, Yuri Hernandez, Renzo Chan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.